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How This Works

Work with Attorneys Who've Been There

FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION - Getting to know what you’re doing and why you do it

We start with a discussion where you firm is today, what’s working well, and what still needs work.  Why did you choose your current practice areas?  Do you feel the same about it now?  How’s your legal market? What growth have you’ve seen over time?  Beyond the practice areas, and legal interests, you have a business. What do you want your firm to do?  What do you want it to provide? What do you want to do at this business, day-to-day?  Your firm needs a destination and milestones to see as you build the firm you want for yourself.

ANALYSIS MEETING - Exploring how you want to grow and how we get there

There are usually 4 ways to grow:  expand your client base, expand your practice areas, expand your geographic footprint, and/or expand the profitability of your legal production.  Everything your firm does affects something else downstream. How do you get your leads?  What’s done to get that contract signed and who does it?  How is each step handled until the client’s claim or matter is resolved?  How is work distributed among the people in your firm?  Law firms create massive amounts of data.  You deserve renewed value from the work you have already done.  Any firm expecting to grow needs staffing strategies built for growth without waste.  Whether you’re considering a new paralegal or a new office in another time zone, we’ve been there and we can develop and implement the strategies your firm requires.

THE PLAN - Pick what we do and how you want it done

Your Of Counsel attorney builds a scalable plan for every sector of your business.  Because we take a unified approach, each new component creates momentum for the other parts of you business in a chain reaction of success.  The components are evergreen:  business development, the people doing the work, where the work is done, and a sane way for you to track it all.  Your strategic success will have ripple effects, so we build systems nimble enough to bring you wins and address shifting priorities.  The only thing left is to decide how you want your plan to be deployed.  We've got you covered there too.

Image by Avel Chuklanov

The Initial Consultation

This First Step Is Free

What happens in step the initial Consult.

Email : Tel: 504-233-9097

Where Do You Need Help?


Marketing to Feed Your Firm

We develop systems to create multiple client producing marketing channels.  Discover tactics to understand where to spend your money and when that money is wasted.


Lead Management Makes Marketing Work

The best marketing is worthless without the workflows and systems to convert leads into fee producing clients.  Find the tools that work for your desired client based.


Profitable Production from Your Team

Most firms structure their legal production out of habit as opposed to proper analysis.  We find your underutilized assets, structure end-to-end workflows for your team. 


Who to Hire, Why, and When to Do It

We work with you to implement staffing plans that go beyond filling the needs you have now.  We bring the insights you need to know when to expand and how to make it happen.


Full Plan Implementations

Not doing the things you enjoy in your firm?  Harness the full value from The Of Counsel for every aspect of your firm,  so you are free to do the work that makes you thrive and brings you joy.

Our Insight Comes from the Fact We've Been There Too.

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Value & Benefit 01.


We provide the services your firm needs with the pace and timeframe in which you need it.  We build and implement the in depth solutions you need at a pace that works for you.

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